And competitive non-appreciation the revealed preference of many emerging economies given that their main trade competitor, China, has a fixed exchange rate imposes large systemic costs, of global overheating and excess liquidity creation, as reserves pile up around the world. 随着全球各国的外汇储备增长,竞争性不升值政策鉴于他们的主要贸易竞争对手中国实施固定汇率政策,许多新兴经济体表现出这种偏好带来了全球经济过热和过度流动性的巨大系统性损失。
Additional underlying factors are a deeply rooted cultural preference for sons, a falling fertility rate, and the one-child policy. 其余的潜在因素就是根基很深的对于儿子的传统偏爱,下降的生育率和一个孩子政策。
The government has said taking preference shares which pay fixed rate of interest but have no voting rights in companies that it invests in is an option but it is also open to other methods of reflecting its equity. 荷兰政府曾表示,获得所投资的公司的优先股支付固定利息但没有投票权是一个选择,但也会考虑其它反映其权益的方法。
Also grasp a week frequency, sex life preference of more than three times, urinary tract infection rate increased greatly, and in summer in a special stage should reduce frequency. 还要把握好性生活频度,每周性生活超过3次者,尿道感染发生率大为增高,在夏季这一特殊阶段里要适当减少次数。
Time preference theory of interest rate 时间偏好决定利率论
The neo-classic theory of economic growth and trade believes that in the long run, Factor endowment and comparative advantage of a country are dependent completely on the amount of capital investment, namely, preference and saving rate. 新古典的经济增长与贸易理论认为,长期中,一国的要素禀赋和比较优势完全由资本投资的数量,即由偏好和储蓄率决定。
Time scope of tax preference has the obvious influence to bankrupt possibility, property ratio of debt, sustainable rate of increment and property net profit rate. 税收优惠到期时间对破产可能性、资产负债率、可持续增长率和资产净利率有显著影响。
The investors should invest according to both their own preference and the expected rate of the return of the portfolio. 因此,投资者应结合自己的风险偏好和投资组合的期望收益率作出决策。
Tax preference project has the obvious influence to sustainable rate of increment, property net profit rate, total property cycling rate and rapid floating assets ratio. 税收优惠项目对可持续增长率、资产净利率、总资产周转率和速动比率有显著影响;
The review part also includes: the review of preference function, risks and application of VaR and interest rate models, etc. 在论文的综述部分还包括:金融产品的偏好度模型、风险和VaR方法的应用、利率模型等。
Is on the job work personal save endowment insurance aspect, individual attends voluntarily according to economic ability and different demand, country guides on policy, giving corresponding preference on save interest rate. 在职工个人储蓄性养老保险方面,个人根据经济能力和不同需求自愿参加,国家在政策上予以引导,在储蓄利率上给予相应的优惠。
In the Neoclassical growth model, with constant rate of time preference, consumer has a stable preference system, in which the beneficent government chooses the optimal tax rate to be proportional to the rate of time preference with the assumption of log utility and AK production function. 在新古典的增长模型中,当消费者对时间的偏好是一致的时候&稳定的偏好系统,最优的产出税率与消费者的时间偏好率成正比(AK生产函数及对数效用函数的假设下)。
When the model is modified to include a variable rate of time preference and lack in commitment ability, the Markov perfect equilibrium prefers a constant optimal tax rate nevertheless, being proportional to the constant effective rate of time preference. 而当我们考虑消费者对消费具有短期非耐心,但又缺乏对未来行为的承诺能力的时候,均衡的产出税率与消费者有效的常时间偏好率成正比。
The result indicates that risk preference coefficient with short sales allowed reflects the investor's expected rate of return and the variance within the entire interval. 计算结果表明,风险偏好系数在整个取值范围内都能够较好地反映投资者对收益和风险的选择态度,而且,含无风险资产的借贷拓展了投资机会空间。
The result of simulations showed that the global preference evaluation for proposes has made the negotiation result much more optimal, and besides, the using of conflict resolution during negotiation improved negotiation's success rate evidently. 仿真结果说明,使用全局偏好评估可使协商结果从全局来看更为理想;使用冲突消解明显提高了协商的成功率。
Big files preference is in accordance with the characteristics of tape libraries: tape libraries have a higher transfer rate when accessed in a sequential way. 这是与磁带库的特点相一致的:磁带库在顺序读写的情况下速度较高。
The results show that preference temperature of esterification reaction is from 90 ℃ to 110 ℃, linear shrinkage rate of resins system after UV-cured is about 2.4%, and the resins system have good state of cure and high degree of cross linking. 结果表明:环氧丙烯酸酯化反应的适宜温度为(90~110)℃,UV固化后树脂体系的线收缩率约为2.4%,且固化程度好,交联度高。
The research discovers that: ( 1) Whether enjoy the tax preference has the obvious influence to main camp service profit margin, property net profit rate and property ratio of debt. 研究发现:(1)是否享受税收优惠对主营业务利润率、资产净利率和资产负债率有显著影响;
It is found that different types of real-world networks the vertex vanishment follows a strong degree preference, the vanishment rate of degrees also follows a scale-free power-law distribution. 通过对不同类型的实际网络中节点消退情况的统计分析发现,实际网络中节点的消退有很强的度偏好,不同度的节点的消退率同样具有幂率分布特征。
Studies on palatability and preference ranking as well as rate offeed uptake in shrub grassland grazing goats 灌丛草地放牧山羊的牧草适口性与嗜食性及山羊采食率研究
The fundamental problem has been discussed from different aspects in the classical interest rate theory, neoclassical interest rate theory, Keynesian Liquidity preference theory and the neoclassical synthesis interest rate theory. 古典利率理论、新古典利率理论、凯恩斯以及新古典综合派利率决定理论的长期争论,分别从不同侧面讨论了利率到底是由什么决定的?这一根本问题。
Then, the paper analyzes three kinds of tax preference and their usage in our country, such as tax credit for R D investment, decrease on enterprises income tax rate, and cost confirm of R D investment. 对于RD投入,本文在安沃沙赫的理论研究的基础上,分析了税收抵免、减低公司所得税率、RD金额列支三种税收优惠方式在我国的实施情况。
Repeated presence rate of different constitution status such as aversion to low temperature diet, aversion to cool nature diet, preference to high temperature diet and aversion to hot nature diet in the same man was higher than solo presence rate. 恶低温饮食、恶凉性饮食、喜较烫饮食及恶热性饮食等不同体质状态,在同一人体中重叠出现率大于单独出现率。
Secondly, along an equilibrium path, the marginal rate of time preference of each generation must be equal to the rate of interest it faces and that the resource price must rise at the rate of interest over time; 第二,沿均衡轨道,每一代的边际时间偏好率必等于其所面临的物资资本的利息率;
We found that, after seven days 'treatment, Ganmai Dazao Tang showed significant effect on the sugar preference rate, fluid consumption, and weight of mice, and after fourteen days' treatment, the sugar preference rate has been significantly improved. 发现:甘麦大枣汤治疗抑郁模型小鼠7d后,对模型小鼠的糖水偏好率、体液消耗量、体重都有显著的影响,在治疗的14d糖水偏好率得到了显著的提高(图3-2)。
Central bank has asymmetric preference in interest rate smoothing and monetary policy inertia exhibits a striking nonlinear trait. 央行对利率政策的渐进调整具有非对称性的偏好,货币政策惯性呈现非线性的特点。
For one thing, our government should collect the land-use tax on the extra contracted land from farmers with preference in tax rate, for another, they should adjust and perfect the present house property tax policy gradually with no tax from farmers currently. 一是对农户额外承包的土地征收土地使用税,但在税率上给予优惠;二是逐步调整并完善现行房产税政策,现阶段暂不对农户征收。